74 m
The Phantom Carriage
Shoulder Arms
Orphans of the Storm
I Still Hide to Smoke
In Old Arizona
Invisible Ink
Smokin' Aces
The Teachers' Lounge
A Serious Man
City Lights
Forrest Gump
The Dark Knight
My Mother's Castle
Throne of Blood
Annie Hall
2001: A Space Odyssey
Blade Runner
The Imitation Game
Evelyn Preer
Sylvia Landry
Flo Clements
Alma Prichard
James D. Ruffin
Conrad Drebert - Sylvia's Fiancé
Jack Chenault
Larry Prichard - Alma's Stepbrother
Charles D. Lucas
Dr. V. Vivian
Bernice Ladd
Mrs. Geraldine Stratton
Mrs. Evelyn
Mrs. Elena Warwick
William Starks
Jasper Landry
Mattie Edwards
Jasper's Wife
E.G. Tatum
Efram - Gridlestone's Servant
Grant Edwards
Emil Landry
Grant Gorman
Armand Gridlestone
William Smith
Philip Gentry - A Detective
Ralph Johnson
Philip Gridlestone
Leigh Whipper
Jimmie Cook
S.T. Jacks
Rev. Wilson Jacobs (uncredited)